Sunday, April 5, 2009

Green Bottoms, Part II

Now that I've firmly established a pattern and habit making it possible to use cloth diapers, I feel it's time to move on to the next step. And the next step is cloth wipes. I'm already washing diapers, so why not?
Before approaching this I posted a thread on Ravelry, asking for tips and tricks on using cloth wipes. The replies I recieved were varied but all very useful. Some people buy cloth wipes at the same time as they are buying their diapers. More it seems make their own, out of flannel, terry cloth, micro fiber and more. I also got several suggestions for solution to soak them in though most were very very similar. Water with a tablespoon or two of baby wash, a tablespoon or so of oil (baby oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, bath oil) and some times a few drops of an essential oil for fragrance.
Eventually I felt that I had gotten enough information to take this plunge. I took an empty container from some disposable wipes and made my own wipes solution secented with lavendar. Then I tossed in the disposible wipes I always end up washing when I was the diapers (most of them hold up in the wash for at least one more use), I also wound up saving some disposable wipes that had dried up. Once I can get my hands on some cheap flannel I'll make some more that will last a bit longer by just top stitching a couple pieces together.
I'm already starting to see the fiancial benefits of cloth diapering. If I were still using 'sposies I would have had to buy diapers for both the kids a week ago! And it looks like I wont need to buy diapers for my daughter for another week, and a full month for my son. Whoo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. I used just some microfiber that I cut into squares so no sewing was neccessary. And son's skin was so sensative I just used water. ;)
